If your telephone system includes a voicemail server, pressing the MESSAGES button accesses voicemail. Your system administrator can configure whether the access uses either spoken prompts from the voicemail server or visual menus on the phone called 'visual voice'. This guide assumes the default operation of using the visual voice menus.
Using visual voice, you can access the following functions:
•Select a Voicemail Email Mode
Other Functions
This guide covers just the visual voice functions that you can use from the phone's menus. For the full range of mailbox controls that you may be able to use, contact your system administrator for the mailbox user guide appropriate to the type of voicemail server and mailbox mode that your system uses.
Default Short Codes
Short codes are numbers that you can dial to enable and disable various features. The following are default short codes that may be available. However, your system administrator can remove and change the short codes available to you or all users. To use a short code, you may have to put your currently call on hold.
•Check Messages: *17
Access mailboxes to check for messages.
•Voicemail On: *18
Allow voicemail to be used to answer calls.
•Voicemail Off: *19
Stop voicemail being used to answer calls.
•Voicemail Ringback On: *48
Have voicemail ring your phone when you have any new messages. It will call after you next use the phone.
•Voicemail Ringback Off: *49
Switch off ringback.