Ring Pattern/Sound

With classic ring tones, the telephone system uses different ring patterns for different types of call. The ring pattern is a combination of the phone's default ring tone, followed by your personal ring tone selection. For each call or line appearance button on your telephone, your system administrator can also adjust when ringing is used (immediately, after a small delay or off).

Call Type

Ring (1.2s)

Silence (4.0s)



Personal ring

See below.




0.1 seconds:



















































Tone 1



















Tone 2



















Tone 3



















Tone 4



















Tone 5



















Tone 6



















Tone 7



















Tone 8



















Internal Calls: Two-tone long ring.
This type of ring is used for internal calls.

External Calls: Double ring (one short ring, one normal ring).
This type of ring is used for external calls. Note that that also includes internal calls where the caller is transferring an external call.

Ringback/Return Calls: Two very short rings followed by a normal ring.
This type of ring is used for calls that are returning to your phone. For example, a call that you put on park and which is returning due to being left parked for too long.

Coverage Ring: Variable
You can also adjust the ringing used for call coverage and bridged appearance buttons. See Coverage Ring. The options are normal ringing (internal or external), an abbreviated ring (a non-repeated short ring) or no ring.

Attention Ring: Variable
The system administrator can adjust the ring used for new calls when you are already on a call. The options are either an abbreviated ring or no ring. For calls alerting on a call coverage or bridged appearance button when you are already on a call, the shorter of the coverage ring or attention ring settings is used.

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