Your phone lets you handle multiple calls at the same time. Whilst you can only have one call connected (talking) at any time, you can have other calls on hold.
Each current call and any new alerting calls will appear on one of the phone's appearance buttons. The system doesn't treat you as busy to further calls until all your available call appearance buttons are in use.
A slow flashing red lamp on an appearance button indicates an alerting call. This may also be accompanied by ringing and by the message lamp flashing. If you are already on a call, answering a new call automatically put that existing call on hold unless your first press Drop.
•Note: This guide assumes that auto hold is enabled (the default). The system administrator can disable auto hold for the system, in which case calls are automatically disconnected rather than held.
Answering Another Call:
1.To answer the waiting call, press the appearance key indicating the new call. The new call is answered and your existing call is automatically put on hold.
2.You can switch between calls by pressing the appearance button of the call to which you want to speak.
3.The soft key functions shown relate to the call which is currently highlighted. Normally that is the call just answered or represented by the last appearance key pressed, but using the cursor keys below the display you can change which call is highlighted whilst still remaining connected to your current call.